- CNBC Publication: Longitudinal Study of the Success of Gifted Individuals
- Slides from April 27, 2023 Nicole Waicunas, SEM Outreach, Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development presentation
- CAG – Connecticut Association for the Gifted
- Davidson Institute
- Hoagies
- NAGC – National Association of Gifted Children
- NSGT – National Society for the Gifted & Talented
- SENG – Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted
- Center for Talented Youth (Johns Hopkins CTY)
- Podcast Series for Parents & Caregivers
- Resources for Families
- Duke TIP – Talent Identification Program
- MIT ESP – Educational Studies Program
- Stanford EPGY – Education Program for Gifted Youth
- SIG – Summer Institute for the Gifted
- Thought Leadership Resources:
- Angela Duckworth: Grit
- Carol Dweck: Mindset
For Students:
- Reading lists (preK-middle school)
- MENSA Games
- Enrichment at Home Lesson Plans for Elementary students
- STEM Alliance: Local and online STEM events and programs
- Darien After School: Offers Math, Grammar and Cursive Enrichment Programs